Cruisin with the Real"s

Cruisin with the Real"s
Joe and Nancy Grand Cayman 10-07

Loma Linda Medical Center

Loma Linda Medical Center
Where the magic happens........

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

More construction mess and the walls get finished

During the course of all this the most stressful thing to me was I hired this one fellow recommended to me by a very good friend and while I appreciated the referral and thought everything was going to go well we ran into a few, well, issues. #1 was that very early in the project as he was getting ready to wall up Joey's door I walked down the hallway and smelled something familiar and sort of sour..... I looked into the room and on the floor this is what I saw.... Well, first I identified the odor. It was mildew,,,,, mold........ and what I SAW was this....big sheets of VERY MOLDY, BLACK MOLDY SHEET ROCK.... AND HE WAS GETTING READY TO PUT IT INTO MY HOUSE !!!!! Now, you must know about the problems with mold in homes and how if they find ANY,,, you have to move out for months as they tear your house apart and try and kill it all which is very difficult as it grows and spreads like crazy... It also causes all kinds of health problems... and here I am getting ready to have a surgery where afterwards in order to keep my new precious liver they are going to SHUT OFF my immune system and I have been working VERY hard to stay healthy....
Well, I was just in shock. He said he was trying to do me a FAVOR and save me a couple of bucks...The sheet rock had been outside his house for I don't know how long...
I scratched my head.....did I ASK him to save me a couple of bucks???? I certainly didn't ask for this....
Okay, well we got through this and I told him to get that shit out of my house and go buy a piece of new sheet rock thank you very much...... LOL
Through the rest of the project we had various problems and I finally decide it was time to switch gears and STOP and hire someone else...
I hate confrontation but did what I had to do...and the new guys came in and took out the popcorn ceiling, finished the drywall an a special texture that I like...painted... everything I asked. The electricians came and rewired a bunch of stuff for lighting, dimmers and relocated switches. and so on and so forth....
I am going to stop this story right now....floors have been cleaned and carpet went in today...the new window is installed...things are coming together...We should be moving furniture in this weekend...Mom is coming next week so I think she will have a place to sleep...

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